


专业团队人相照 02.2
专业团队人相照 02.2


Voytek academician and professor; Role: Chief scientist, leader of ACF innovation team; Responsibilities: responsible for scientific and technological development and leading the research team; Focus on: multi-functional surface and phase interface materials for bonding and electrostatic coating of polymer materials, composite materials, wood and bio-based materials; Major: Shicheching University of Technology, major in material science; Label: Academician of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Australia;

Voytek  Academician and professor
Role: Chief scientist, leader of ACF innovation team;
Responsibilities: responsible for scientific and technological development and leading the research team;
Focus on: multi-functional surface and phase interface materials for bonding and electrostatic coating of polymer materials, composite materials, wood and bio-based materials;
Major: Shicheching University of Technology, major in material science;
Label: Academician of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Australia;
Project leader of the municipal innovation and scientific research team;
Researcher of the "International Talent Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Member of the American Society for Testing and Materials;
Member of the International Scientific Committee of the Slovak Academy of Sciences;
Member of the International Committee on Durable Building Sealants;
Chairman of the International Prutman Award Committee;
Member of ASTM International Committee;
Member of the Swedish Research Foundation;
Member of the International Advisory Committee on Strategic Research;
Australian Technology Award;
Ian McLennan Industry Achievement Award. Ian McLennan Industry Achievement Award.

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